Chickens and pigs are kept in prison without committing a criminal offence. The efforts of EAPAT and #VERITAS targets to carrying out the research which lead to advocacy and campaigns on freeing pigs and chicken held in stalls
Together with the community members, EAPAT advocated dog welfare by promoting community engagement aiming at changing inhumane behavior and attitudes towards dogs and other animals. Nevertheless, EAPAT advocated on improving dog welfare by providing veterinary services. Thanks for the sub-grant from #VERITAS, where about 487 dogs were reached and 738 community members were trained. Our goal on ani...
Stray dog bites and rabies occurrences in Bukoba district are associated with limited community engagement in humane stray dog population control efforts. EAPAT has taken a step forward to improve stray dog welfare by scaling up the implementation of Catch-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return (CNVR) program targeting to reach about 3000 stray dogs. Our goal is to reduce the occurrence of rabies and stray dog b...